(TL;DR CheatSheet)#

from manim import *

param   = "-v WARNING -s -ql --disable_caching --progress_bar None Example"
paramH  = "-v WARNING -s -qh --disable_caching --progress_bar None Example"
paramp  = "-v WARNING    -ql --disable_caching --progress_bar None Example"
parampH = "-v WARNING    -qh --disable_caching --progress_bar None Example"

paramGL   = "-v WARNING -s -ql --renderer=opengl --disable_caching --progress_bar None Example"
paramHGL  = "-v WARNING -s -qh --renderer=opengl --disable_caching --progress_bar None Example"
parampGL  = "-v WARNING    -ql --renderer=opengl --write_to_movie --disable_caching --progress_bar None Example"
parampHGL = "-v WARNING    -qh --renderer=opengl --write_to_movie --disable_caching --progress_bar None Example"

Manim Community v0.15.2

%%manim $param
class Example(Scene):
    def construct(self):
!manim render --help
Manim Community v0.15.2

Usage: manim render [OPTIONS] FILE [SCENE_NAMES]...

  Render SCENE(S) from the input FILE.

  FILE is the file path of the script or a config file.

  SCENES is an optional list of scenes in the file.

Global options:
  -c, --config_file TEXT         Specify the configuration file to use for
                                 render settings.
  --custom_folders               Use the folders defined in the [custom_folders]
                                 section of the config file to define the output
                                 folder structure.
  --disable_caching              Disable the use of the cache (still generates
                                 cache files).
  --flush_cache                  Remove cached partial movie files.
  --tex_template TEXT            Specify a custom TeX template file.
                                 Verbosity of CLI output. Changes ffmpeg log
                                 level unless 5+.
  --notify_outdated_version / --silent
                                 Display warnings for outdated installation.
  --enable_gui                   Enable GUI interaction.
  --gui_location TEXT            Starting location for the GUI.
  --fullscreen                   Expand the window to its maximum possible size.
  --enable_wireframe             Enable wireframe debugging mode in opengl.
  --force_window                 Force window to open when using the opengl
                                 renderer, intended for debugging as it may
                                 impact performance
  --dry_run                      Renders animations without outputting image or
                                 video files and disables the window

Output options:
  -o, --output_file TEXT         Specify the filename(s) of the rendered
  -0, --zero_pad INTEGER RANGE   Zero padding for PNG file names.  [0<=x<=9]
  --write_to_movie               Write the video rendered with opengl to a file.
  --media_dir PATH               Path to store rendered videos and latex.
  --log_dir PATH                 Path to store render logs.
  --log_to_file                  Log terminal output to file.

Render Options:
  -n, --from_animation_number TEXT
                                 Start rendering from n_0 until n_1. If n_1 is
                                 left unspecified, renders all scenes after n_0.
  -a, --write_all                Render all scenes in the input file.
  --format [png|gif|mp4|webm|mov]
  -s, --save_last_frame
  -q, --quality [l|m|h|p|k]      Render quality at the follow resolution
                                 framerates, respectively: 854x480 15FPS,
                                 1280x720 30FPS, 1920x1080 60FPS, 2560x1440
                                 60FPS, 3840x2160 60FPS
  -r, --resolution TEXT          Resolution in (W,H) for when 16:9 aspect ratio
                                 isn't possible.
  --fps, --frame_rate FLOAT      Render at this frame rate.
  --renderer [cairo|opengl]      Select a renderer for your Scene.
  --use_opengl_renderer          Render scenes using OpenGL (Deprecated).
  -g, --save_pngs                Save each frame as png (Deprecated).
  -i, --save_as_gif              Save as a gif (Deprecated).
  --save_sections                Save section videos in addition to movie file.
  -s, --save_last_frame          Save last frame as png (Deprecated).
  -t, --transparent              Render scenes with alpha channel.
  --use_projection_fill_shaders  Use shaders for OpenGLVMobject fill which are
                                 compatible with transformation matrices.
                                 Use shaders for OpenGLVMobject stroke which are
                                 compatible with transformation matrices.

Ease of access options:
  --progress_bar [display|leave|none]
                                 Display progress bars and/or keep them
  -p, --preview                  Preview the Scene's animation. OpenGL does a
                                 live preview in a popup window. Cairo opens the
                                 rendered video file in the system default media
  -f, --show_in_file_browser     Show the output file in the file browser.
  --jupyter                      Using jupyter notebook magic.

Other options:
  --help                         Show this message and exit.

Made with <3 by Manim Community developers.
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