7. Additional Tools

Latest update : 13.6.2021

Extracting frames (FFMPEG)

In a video edior for post-processing, you might want to have the first frame as an image. This can be achieved with the following script, which will batch-process all videos in the Downloads folder and extract all first frames to the folder “Downloads/processed”

from pathlib import Path
import os
suffix = ".mp4"
input_path= Path.home() / "Downloads/"
file_paths= [subp for subp in input_path.rglob('*') if  suffix == subp.suffix]
if len(file_paths) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No videos in folder")
output_path =  Path.home() / "Downloads/processed"
output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

for file_p in file_paths:
    input = str(file_p)
    output = str(  output_path / file_p.name)
    output = output[:-4] # delete the ending
    command = f"ffmpeg -i {input} -vframes 1 {output}.png"
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_2632/4206570128.py in <module>
      5 file_paths= [subp for subp in input_path.rglob('*') if  suffix == subp.suffix]
      6 if len(file_paths) == 0:
----> 7         raise ValueError("No videos in folder")
      8 file_paths.sort()
      9 print(file_paths)

ValueError: No videos in folder